I love the holidays. Decorations, Christmas trees, lights, beautiful gift wrap, egg nog - it puts me in the best mood. But, I feel that each holiday deserves its time in the sun. I'm amazed at how early the stores began putting up their Christmas displays this year. Halloween and Christmas items share shelf space now. Poor Thanksgiving just gets lost in the shuffle. I've already seen homes decorated for Christmas and yesterday, when driving into work, I saw trees had arrived at one of the tree stand locales. Too much! So, as much as I love Christmas, I will wait to decorate until after our turkey and pumpkin pie are eaten and we've given thanks for our good fortune.
I totally agree! I can't believe all the Christmas decorations. Santa has even arrived at one of the local shopping areas.
I too love the holidays. With the cold weather I have Christmas on my mind. I love the smell of a fresh cut Christmas tree for our home and beautiful fresh greens for the outside of our home. I also love baking cookies!
I really love Thanksgiving, but it is forgotten in stores, since it really can't be commercialized. How can anything be better than a day of family getting together and celebrating, well family? It is a beautiful holiday.
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