I like the bookshelves featured in this photo. While I wouldn't likely color coordinate my lit collection, it's a fun way to play with the design of your library. Plus, the couch, throw pillows and rug are fabulous. I'm desparately in need of shelving in my den. Hubby and I were both English majors in college and avid readers to this day, so we have boxes and boxes of books that are dying to be showcased. Just another addition to our house "to-do" list.
Photo courtesy of www.weburbanist.com
I love home libraries. I wish I had found a spot for one when we built our house.
The book spine colors match your Funtiki coffee scoops very nicely, by the way!
Don't we all wish we could have such a lovely room decorated to beautiful books like that! Thanks for sharing - it's good inspiration!
Such a beautiful room and inspiring post. xx
funny.. I just had HGTV on in the back round and they color coordinated the books on a shelf. For a brief second I contemplated taking on the project and surprising the hub's when he arrived home from work. Then I came to my senses! Hahaha.
I actually did this not too long ago and I love the way it looks on my shelf. Of course...it's only two tiny shelves...not a big library, but a girl can dream, right?
So glad I stumbled upon your blog...I'm happy to have a fellow Louisvillian blogger! :)
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