Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, and many of us will be gathering with family and friends to give thanks for our good fortune and enjoy delicious meals. As I look back on this last year, I have much for which to be grateful: a loving husband; beautiful, smart and healthy children; a nice home; a good job – the list goes on and on.
All of us know people, though, who have struggled this past year and they’ll be in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I think of our dear friend who was diagnosed with brain cancer last year at this time – he recently had a setback when he suffered a seizure. I often think of him, his wife and sons. I just hope that life will improve for them and this coming year will bring better health and a return to normalcy, as best as can be expected. I give thanks that he’s out of the hospital and will be spending Thanksgiving at home with his family.
Enjoy this special time with your loved ones, eat some turkey and pumpkin pie and get some rest. The Christmas season will hit us like a brick on Friday and we’ll need all of the strength we have to survive!
Image courtesy of Martha Stewart Living
All of us know people, though, who have struggled this past year and they’ll be in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I think of our dear friend who was diagnosed with brain cancer last year at this time – he recently had a setback when he suffered a seizure. I often think of him, his wife and sons. I just hope that life will improve for them and this coming year will bring better health and a return to normalcy, as best as can be expected. I give thanks that he’s out of the hospital and will be spending Thanksgiving at home with his family.
Enjoy this special time with your loved ones, eat some turkey and pumpkin pie and get some rest. The Christmas season will hit us like a brick on Friday and we’ll need all of the strength we have to survive!
Image courtesy of Martha Stewart Living
Its very easy to get stressed out this time of year, especially those of us who have to drive all over the planet to be with family. Its nice to stop for a second and really think about what we have to be thankful for...like you said, a loving husband, my Hank (my cockapoo), my job, my friends, my family who I will get to see all of over the next few days.
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
happy happy gobble gobble!
Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Happy eating day to you!!! I get to go to france for thanksgiving and eat french turkey! yay!!! Enjoy your QT with fm and friends! x LZ
Its nice to stop for a second and really think about what we have to be thankful for.
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Hope you had a wonderful day!
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