Blast! Bad Parents of the Year Award! In the middle of everything, the tooth pick-up and hand-off were forgotten. So, I quickly spun a yarn about the fact that it was storming (it was bad, we'd had thunderstorms with heavy lightening throughout the night) and that it was likely too difficult for the Tooth Fairy to fly. But, as soon as the storms calmed down, I would bet she'd make her way to our house. She would just be delayed a bit. Miss E. nodded her head and seemed to accept my creative story-telling, but then said, "You know, she really just needs to get a car."
Priceless. Needless to say, Mommy sneaked upstairs later that morning, penned a note in my most curly-cue of handwriting - including a magic-wand illustration - and left a dollar under her pillow. Miss E. was thrilled when she found her prize.
Boy, with the elaborate tales about the Tooth Fairy, Santa's Elf on a Shelf, the Easter Bunny and other magic beings, Hubby and I are setting our kids up for quite a revelation later in their childhood. Guess I ought to start saving for therapy now. ;)
Image from picturebook.com
Sounds to me like you need to write the Tooth Fairy version of Elf on the Shelf! You'd be a millionaire and you wouldn't have to worry about those therapy bills (:
Great post and a good question. I remember being so disappointed about Santa and wondered what other lies I was being told. I wonder why we ever started these joy and disappointment traditions?
Ah, at six they deserve all the spurious joy possible. That was quick thinking on the critical delayed elf issue. I hope Miss E. enjoys spending her dollar.
That happened to me too with Jackson... And then "she" almost didn't make it the next night too! I am pitiful! ;)
Love this story! Miss E. is too cute!
Love the blog! Follow each other?
awwww that is priceless!! I'm sure a car would make it more weather friendly journey for Miss Tooth Fairy .... from the minds and mouths of babes... xo HHL
What a sweet story. I remember that I handle this things quite good with the first child but my youngest had to wait one week for the Tooth Fairy once (or was it twice...)
I love her practical approach:).
You should write a book! Kids doo say the funniest things. My daughter was scolding my grandson and he had his hand over his mouth, of course she asked why he was holding his mouth and he said, "I am trying to hold the laughs in".!
She just cracked up along with him.
By the time our third child started losing teeth, the Mister and I were the worst tooth fairies ever! We constantly had to do crazy distraction things--"look, that silly fairy left it under your brother's pillow!"--to hide our ineptness. I have to say that although I miss their little years terribly, I do not miss keeping up the invented magic. In fact, I told our three that when they have kids of their own, they should tell them that Santa only fills stockings, and that they as parents should take the credit for the rest!
Hahah, what a cute little story! And yes, the revelation will be shocking--one of my little cousins cried when it was revealed that Santa wasn't real and then she got even more upset as she asked "Does this mean the tooth fairy and Easter bunny aren't real either?"
Very quick on your toes JMW!
I narrowly escaped the same predicament earlier this year. Completely forgot about it when my daughter lost her last tooth and it only dawned on me during breakfast when I heard my daughter coming down the stairs. Luckily for me, grandma sometimes doubles as the tooth fairy-my mom had snuck upstairs the night before and placed what she thought was a little something extra under my daughter's pillow! :)
We have so been there!!!!
I've told a few creative tales myself explaining away elf and fairy mishaps!! Ah, motherhood! :) hope you had a fun date night with your hubby and a good cocktail or two!
Its one of the good platform for awareness of people. Keep sharing such stuff in the future too.
vanity table and chair
If you want to add a little magic to the Tooth Fairy experience I highly recommend this website www.mytoothfairypictures.com. I used it with each of my children and they were overjoyed to find a picture of themselves with the Tooth Fairy the morning after they had lost a tooth. I had a great time making these photos, and an even better time watching the smiles on my kids’ faces when they discovered them.
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