Well, it snowed overnight and into today, with several inches on the ground and sleet continuing to come down. The kids' daycare/preschool was closed, so I stayed home with the kids while Hubby braved the roads and went into work. We'll likely switch places tomorrow, if school is closed again. Hubby really wanted a good snow (I know, crazy), and he sure got it.
In the meantime, just had to share a couple of things that were delivered to the house yesterday. Since my daughter, E., is all about dresses, I took advantage of the online sale at Chez Ami and got her the cutest jumper (see above) and tights. Some of their items are 50 percent off, so take advantage if you can. I should have tried to score something in my son's size. Perhaps I'll see what boys' items are marked down. Also arriving yesterday was a guilty pleasure from Amazon: Social Climbing by Beth Dunn. I had read about this book on several blogs and thought I'd check it out. It's an easy, fun read. I had been tackling heavy novels for the last few months, so I thought I would indulge in some brain candy during these long winter days.
I'm so ready for spring.
Image courtesy of Chez Ami by Patsy Aiken
Image courtesy of Chez Ami by Patsy Aiken
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