First Lady of South Carolina, Jenny Sanford
While at the grocery on Saturday afternoon, I walked down the book and magazine aisle and saw Jenny Sandford’s autobiography, Staying True. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you may remember my post about Jenny Sanford on June 29, 2009, as the firestorm broke when Governor Sanford disappeared to Argentina to visit his mistress. He lied about it at first, stating he was hiking the Appalachian Trail. I felt such empathy for Mrs. Sanford and her sons and how, at least publicly, she seemed to handle the situation with such grace. And, thank God, she wasn’t “standing by her man” during his bizarre press conference. A few weeks ago, Mrs. Sanford started making the rounds on the talk shows promoting her book. I watched her interview with Barbara Walters and was intrigued. So, on Saturday, I couldn’t resist buying the book. I’m half-way through it already, and I’ll give a full update when I finish it.
None of us are in the position to judge others, so I’m not going to sit here and say Jenny Sanford was wrong in her decision to marry him. When you are young and in love, your judgment can be clouded. But from the stories she tells about him early on and well into their marriage, the red flags must have been flying. I mean, when the man refused to take a vow of faithfulness/fidelity during their wedding ceremony because he didn’t think he could live up to it, well, that had to be a huge indicator of things to come. Again, I don't want to make judgmental statements about her - I have come to really like her, even though I've only seen her through television, radio and the written word. But, I have to say I admire her dedication to her sons and her sense of self. She's a good woman. He's an ass.
We Kentuckians watched a similar scenario play out a few years ago when Gov. Paul Patton admitted to an affair with a woman with whom he exchanged political favors. At first he lied, then in a tearful press conference, he admitted it. And, just like Sanford, he stayed on as governor, even though EVERYONE was calling for his resignation.
Oh, look, it’s my soapbox. I think I’ll stand on it…what is it about politics? Does it breed arrogance? Does one begin to think that morals don’t apply to them? I realize that not every politician is like this, but it certainly feels this way at times. I hope changes are underway, especially in Congress. Chuck the whole lot and start from scratch. I don’t believe in career politicians. Serve a couple of terms, strive to make a difference, then move back into private life and be effective in that capacity and serve your community in other ways. If you do something too long it gets stagnant and you can become ineffective. I think we’re seeing that in politics today. It’s time to shake things up a bit!
Okay, I’m stepping down and putting my soap box away. Sorry for my random ramblings, but I felt the need to make a statement, perhaps stir things up a bit on this rainy morning. ;) Hope everyone had a great weekend. Can you believe it’s the last week of February? Spring is getting closer!
Image courtesy of www.jennysandford.com
I think finding truth is what makes life worth living.
Now I want to read her book.
I, too, have admired Jenny Sanford for walking away, trying to keep her integrity and family intact. Naturally I don't know the entire truth, nor will I ever. Who will? But I thought it was high time a political wife didn't stand meekly beside her philandering husband. I know we shouldn't judge, but I'm human and I have. Maybe it's why I like that new show "The Good Wife".
I do want to read her book, but you sound on the money, honey. If her words are true, then she invited heartbreak in. I pray she finds peace and comfort during this time.
Thank for sharing!
Thank you so much for all your wise words.I would like to read her book.
will have to read this, I am so intrigued by her, she's sort of a GOP version of Michelle Obama- well educated and put her career aside (ultimately) for her husband's job. I'm just surprised, the more I hear about her and her background, that she put up with so many red flags. makes for a must-read, I am sure!
It seems that in a way, your politicians are just as morally stable as our footballers...
Don't judge her. I made the same kind of mistake with my first husband. It's not that I didn't see the red flags flying around. I just believed he really wanted to be that better person he promised to be. xx MM
Bravo for taking a stand. From what I've read about her I agree completely with your assessment and as you say, love is blind, we probably all know this in one way or the other. It's unfortunate when we enter into a marriage with hopes someone will change.
That is something I so admire in women -- hope, in all ways it seems to me.
Thank you for your little rant, it was perfect.
Glad to see that the comments on this blog are not judging Jenny... she is a brilliant woman whom my grandmother knows through her volunteering at the Governor's Mansion.
I felt such empathy for Mrs. Sanford. Unfortunately, politics seems to attract individuals with personality disorders and extreme cases of narcissism. Not always, but most of the time. There are more political husbands out there just like him than anyone realizes....
I'm was impressed with her {and her choice of words} during a recent interview. She tried to protect her children and keep her family intact for as long as she could.
I'd like to hear what you think of the book when you're finished.
I am definitely putting this on my list of reads. Thank you for sharing! Really enjoyed this post.
I am half way through the book and I really admire her. How she put up with him for so long I don't know!
AMEN SISTER!!! Make room for me up there on your soapbox.
I am from SC and totally agree with all that you have said. I admire her brave stance and how she has ALWAYS put her children first and done what she feels is best for them and then what is best for her as well. Let me know when you have finished the book. I have read a few pages of it and seen several interviews, etc. and look forward to reading it one day.
power corrupts. absolute power corrupts
I bought the book this afternoon at Costco. I am an admirer of Jenny Sanford's; her integrity and honesty are so appealing. She is the victim, and, yet, she rises above that role beautifully.
Oh this is good...a place where I can ramble about politics this snowy saturday morning...I saw her interview on Larry King. I was so surprised to hear this great big strong & confident voice coming out of this petite southern first lady. I had a feeling she was no wall flower but wow, she certainly seemed to have her *!@# together. I was at Kroger yesterday and also saw her book sitting there & thought to myself...I bet in her entire life, she never could have imagined seeing her book about this mess at the grocery store. Hopefully by having her face on the front of a book and no longer on the front of tabloids, she is making some *!@&-you fun money! Go Jenny!
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