Hubby made me aware of this super-cool site, that I thought I'd share with you, Good Reads.
"Good Reads" is a social site for readers, where you can create a virtual bookshelf of your favorite books, connect with other friends to see what they're reading/recommending, join book groups, view countless recommendations, browse through endless genres, titles and more. It's a GREAT site for the avid reader.
Well, it's Thursday, which means the end is in site. Thank, God. I'm volunteering at my daughter's school today as lunchroom monitor. Wish me luck. :) Image from, via Google images
What a cool site, I will definitely check it out. Let us know what your user name is so we can find you! Hope all goes smooth today at school - and hopefully they are serving something yummy for lunch today!! :) xoxo
Good luck with the lunchroom situation :)
One thing you never want to hear while on lunchroom duty....."FOOD FIGHT!"
Oh my - I didn't even know you could volunteer for such a thing! Thanks for the site suggestions, I'm going to check it out1
I love Goodreads. If you look up Heather Adams, I'm the one in Raleigh. Please "friend" me!
What a cool site, I will definitely check it out. Let us know what your user name is so we can find you! Hope all goes smooth today at school - and hopefully they are serving something yummy for lunch today!! :) xoxo
Looks like a great site. How did the lunchroom massacre go? ;)
ah-HA! what a find! thank that centre alum for me (and I just adored the campus and school!).
enjoy the lunchroom :)
Hmmmm....I'm gonna have to look into this Good Reads thing. I've heard a lot of buzz about it lately.
Very neat! Pleaes let us know your user name. Oh, and as a teacher, we LOVE Lunchroom monitors!!!
How fun, new to good reads, will have to check this out! Glad to have found your blog!
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