Monday, December 8, 2008

Cookie Swap

I’ve never participated in a cookie swap or attended a cookie swap party during the holidays. It sounds like it would be fun, but with all of the other commitments in my life, it’s a little difficult to carve out time to host a party. So, I did the next best thing recently and watched the Food Network, as Paula Deen hosted a cookie swap in her lovely home. She collaborated with designer David Bromstad, who has a show on HGTV, to help gussy up the cookies with ribbons and other cute packaging.

So, if you are participating, or even hosting, a cookie swap this holiday season, check out Paula’s recipes. I’m always looking for something simple, so this recipe for Savannah Bow Tie cookies looks pretty easy. And, dear readers, if any of you have a cookie recipe you'd like to share, I'd love to see them. Perhaps when I take some time off over the holidays, I could attempt some of these recipes, and you could too!
Photo courtesy of Food Network

1 comment:

Lobster and swan said...

Thank you for the kind words.

I don't know if you read but each and every post is glorious.
