My eldest child started 1st grade today, so we took the requisite photos in front of the house, as well as at school. I can't believe she's already into her second year at this school, a school we have grown to love so much.
In addition to it being the first day of school, the Tooth Fairy paid yet another visit last night. Seriously, this girl has teeth falling out of her head left and right. And, of course, by the time Hubby and I got our act together, we found we had only one dollar bill between us. So we added some quarters to the loot.
Then Hubby asked, "Should we add a note about how this will help her learn to count coins, now that she's in first grade?" Which meant, "Are you going to write the note?" So, I found some pretty stationery and used my best curly-cue handwriting with hearts over the i's, because, you know, that's how the Tooth Fairy rolls. I even had the TF give a shout-out to our son, who thought that was the most amazing thing.
So, now we return to a more structured routine since school is in session. Before you know, Halloween will be here. Yikes!
For those of you with kids returning to school, starting school for the first time or if you're heading back yourself, best of luck to you and your family. It's going to be a great year!
All photos property of A Place to Dwell