Friday, September 30, 2011

Techno Kids

Last night, I learned just how technologically-saavy my kids are. As I was reading my Kindle after an episode of "The Office" (love preppy-man Andy Bernard), my 4-year old son came in the room, as he often does when he doesn't want to go to bed. He pointed and asked, "Is that an iPad?"

I didn't even KNOW he KNEW about iPads. With kids, I guess it's osmosis when it comes to technology and trends. Both my 4 and 6-year old can whip me in Angry Birds, so I shouldn't be surprised.

And, speaking of hand-held technology, there's been a lot of buzz about the Kindle Fire of late. In fact, the technology reporter on NPR said that some features of the Fire could make it more appealing than the iPad to consumers. The fact that it costs $200, compared to a $500 iPad could be a huge decision-maker. Hmm, in this economy, what would you choose?

I have the iPhone and Starbucks coffee. The iPad would complete the scene, don't ya think?
The Kindle Fire will be available Nov. 15. Maybe I should consider one for Hubby, even though he REALLY wants an iPad. We'll see. (And, no, this post is not an avertisement for Amazon or Apple. But, I'm more than happy to test your products, should any representatives from those companies read this.)

What's on your weekend agenda? Cooler temps are settling into the region, which means jeans and sweaters, and evenings by the fire in our backyard. Welcome October!
Images from techradar and


Ella said...

Yes, the kids know more than we understand.
I won't say no to an iPad but it is a lot of money. I hope the weekend will bring some time outdoor but I will also spend some time watching my kids playing ice hockey.

About Last Weekend said...

We have Apples but I don't have that fierce loyalty that everyone has to 1-stuff. I'm sure the new Kindle is just as good as the I-pad. Kevin lives his life on it! Have a fab weekend!

teresa-bug said...

I was listening to that review on NPR, but had to get out of the car. I *need* some sort of electronic pad, but am not sure which one. I don't really want to fork out the money for the iPad.

helen tilston said...

I have Apple and love their equipment, I guess you could say I am loyal, reminds me I have the same hair dresser for 30 yrs! Creature of habit?
Helen xx

Tiffany from HOLIDAY said...

My friend's 1.5 yr old can scroll through to find her episodes of Kai Lan, Elmo, etc on their Ipad like a pro. It's crazy! I wasn't sure how I felt about all this but it is the wave of the future - and my husband just got a Samsung Galaxy (since you can have Windows on it vs the Ipad) and suddenly I was super excited about it. I don't even have a smart phone!

Tiffany from HOLIDAY said...
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Jill @ Bluegrass Belle said...

My husband pre-ordered the Kindle Fire. I guess I will get his regular Kindle now :) Much more affordable.