Tuesday, February 28, 2012

More Energy Needed, Stat!

No truer words have been stated. Man, how I wish I could bottle that energy and sip it throughout the day. 

Lord knows we'll be feeling this way Saturday evening. Miss E. turns 7 and we've agreed to host a birthday party for her and her classmates at our house. All 18 girls. We agreed to this because most of her birthday celebrations over the years have been small family get-togethers. So, this year she and her brother (in May) are having parties with their buds.

I won't complain much, because we're bringing this on ourselves; I'm aware of what we're getting into. I spent the weekend putting together gift bags and purchasing streamers and other decorations. The theme is "Almost Sleepover," since the girls are still a bit young for slumber parties. Everyone will wear their PJs. There will be a craft, a game, food and, if there's time, a movie. What do you think? Good idea for 6 and 7-year olds?

Hope everyone is having a good week so far. It's been super-busy, so I'm behind in blogging, and haven't caught up with your wonderful blogs. I need to get back to it!

Happy Tuesday, friends!
Image from someecards.com


Danielle said...

It's funny because it's true! I've never thought of it that way but my children certainly have more energy than I've had in a long time (: Good luck with the party this weekend!

ALR said...

I hope you find some energy. It is still early in the week:)

Best to you!
Amy R.

Glitterista said...

B12 is a miracle worker for me paired with of course, coffee. The party theme and ideas sound like so much fun--good luck with everything this week! :)

Main Line Sportsman said...

You should have a whip, a chair, a firehose and some duct tape on hand for when that mob turns ugly...usually about 20 minutes after the cake...

JMW said...

MLS, you aren't kidding. Perhaps we should wrap up the cake in to-go boxes and send them home with it? Then, the sugar rush will happen on THEIR parents' time. ;)

Renée Finberg said...


they're girls!!
piece of cake.

i used to make a project for them that was their gift to take home.

i bought little wooden boxes,
tons of jewels, ribbon,glitter and glue.

it was great!!!
i kept them all quarantined,
i mean i kept them all at one giant table.


sweetpea said...

oh you brave soul! We are lucky to only have 10 girls in her class and we have done that with a day party... we are sticking with three best-ies for sleepover! Have fun and happy birthday to her!

Suburban Princess said...

I hope you survive! I dread the sleepovers.

About Last Weekend said...

As my friend always says: they suck the life out of you, that's for sure. I get up feeling exhausted and wake to the sound of my kids bounding down the stairs...

Emily said...

Hi there,

Evening was lovely, thanks:) Had everything you could possibly imagine on their menu. Yoga is great for energy...and B12 for sure.

xx LZ