Last Saturday's Junior League gala, Two of a Kind, was a huge success and we had such a great time. The event's theme was "New York State of Mind," with food stations such as Little Italy, Chinatown, Coney Island and more. The food was delicious, the entertainment was stellar and the decorations were gorgeous. They had great silent and live auction items, and Hubby and I walked away with a design consultation from a local decorator.
The second level of the facility featured several gambling stations (we received $1,000 worth of faux money at the door). And even though it was only play money, the guys couldn't get enough of the roulette, craps and Black Jack tables. Hubby and one of his best friends (husband of my girlfriend, Tiff, pictured above right), could not be pried from the craps game. Thank God it wasn't real money!
A group of us got a table together and it was such fun catching up with friends I've made through the League (thanks Stephanie, above left, for taking photos, since I always forget my camera!).
A great time was had by all and the money raised benefits JL and the many organizations it supports.
Afterward, some of the group convinced us to stop by a local pub for a drink. We gave it the old college try, but after one drink, the loud techno music (the scene at the local Irish bars certainly change after midnight - whew!) and very young singles started taking their toll. We left to go home and tried to squeeze in enough sleep before the kids woke up. Needless to say, I was dragging on Sunday. I know, I sound like an old lady. I can only party like a rock star on very rare occasions. ;)
The second level of the facility featured several gambling stations (we received $1,000 worth of faux money at the door). And even though it was only play money, the guys couldn't get enough of the roulette, craps and Black Jack tables. Hubby and one of his best friends (husband of my girlfriend, Tiff, pictured above right), could not be pried from the craps game. Thank God it wasn't real money!
A group of us got a table together and it was such fun catching up with friends I've made through the League (thanks Stephanie, above left, for taking photos, since I always forget my camera!).
A great time was had by all and the money raised benefits JL and the many organizations it supports.
Afterward, some of the group convinced us to stop by a local pub for a drink. We gave it the old college try, but after one drink, the loud techno music (the scene at the local Irish bars certainly change after midnight - whew!) and very young singles started taking their toll. We left to go home and tried to squeeze in enough sleep before the kids woke up. Needless to say, I was dragging on Sunday. I know, I sound like an old lady. I can only party like a rock star on very rare occasions. ;)
The dress looks fantastic on you! I hope you love wearing it as much as I do!
Best- pcw
You look fabulous, sounds like you had a marvelous time!
Delightful as always.
You look so happy and lovely. I love the ruffles on your neckline-so feminine!
I couldn't help but wonder if you know an online acquaintance of mine-Hunter Weinberg? She was at the "Two of a Kind" soiree as well as she's a member of the JLL. She's a very sweet girl.
Have a great week!
You looked like a rockstar even if you can't party like one! It is nice to raise money for good causes and have fun doing it. What room are you going to choose for your design consult?
Have a great Wednesday!
Looks like it was a fun time had by all - love your dress!
You look great! Your league sounds like it does much better events than ours, unfortuantely. That is great that your town has such an active and fun league.
Sounds like a wonderful event ~ you look fabulous!
So glad you had a great evening! Our League will be hosting Oscar Night America soon, and I know it will be spectacular! I have to admit that it's even more fun as a sustainer!
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